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Marianne Schwab, Former National Talk Show Producer, Reveals Five Blunders Non-Fiction Book Authors Should Avoid that Kill TV Interview Success

Each year, over four million new titles emerge for non-fiction personal and business development books and increased access to self-publishing means thousands of them are written by high-level entrepreneurs and business professionals. These books have the power to impact lives, share valuable insights, and establish the authors as thought leaders, but a big challenge occurs on how do they rise above the noise to reach a target audience to promote the book on TV talk shows that can lead to not only becoming a recognized expert, but ultimately increase sales.

The problem with promoting a non-fiction book is cutting through the clutter with thousands of authors who are also seeking limited interview spots on talk shows. Marianne Schwab is a former national network TV Talk Show Producer who has a deep understanding of what media decision makers look for when booking authors as guests and recently revealed her list of five blunders to avoid that can kill the results of securing interviews.

  1. Focusing Solely on Self-Promotion.While promoting a book is essential, solely focusing on self-promotion is a common mistake. TV talk shows, and also podcast producers, are primarily focused on delivering value to their audience. If the pitch is solely about the book and how great it is, it will come across as self-serving. Marianne suggests, “You need to focus on one or two problems that you solve as a professional and refer to in the book. When I book an author or work with one to secure talk show interviews, I like to look at the table of contents and pick out of the best bits that I know viewers are going latch on to. By framing your pitch around the audience’s needs, you’ll be seen as a valuable guest rather than a self-promoter. I want to book an expert who has great problem solving tips and having written a book establishes their credibility.
  2. Creating a Media Alert that Simply Announces a New Book. It may seem logical to create a headline and media alert that is a new book announcement, but unless a book author is already a recognized expert or celebrity, this will not set them apart from a stack of pitches on a producer’s desk. The media alert should have a hook that grabs the producer in a way they can use it to grab viewer interest to tune in to their show or click on the interview when it’s uploaded to their website. According to Marianne, “The media alert headline should set up a problem that reading your book solves. For example, if you’re a real estate professional, the headline might be ‘Three Mistakes New Home Buyers Make that Cost Them Thousands.’ Your book may cover more, but a TV interview segment generally only has three to four minutes.
  3. Neglecting Audience Relevance.One of the most common mistakes authors make is failing to consider the relevance of their book to the show’s audience. It is a waste of time to send out hundreds of pitches to every talk show or podcast without understanding who the audience is for program. “Before reaching out to producers, take the time to research their content thoroughly. Understand their target demographic, the topics they typically cover, and the issues their audience cares about. Your pitch should clearly demonstrate how your book aligns with their audience’s interests and concerns,” Marianne says. “Your media alert should make it clear that your book offers valuable insights that their viewers or listeners will find compelling and beneficial.
  4. Lack of Personalization & Professionalism.Producers receive countless pitches daily and generic emails stand out for all the wrong reasons. To make an impact, personalize the pitch. “Definitely address the producer by name and even mention specific episodes or topics from their show that you enjoyed or found relevant, and explain why you believe your topic would benefit their viewers. This can be really helpful if the show regularly features chefs and cookbooks in the kitchen with a tasty recipe or local entrepreneurs sharing news you can usefor viewers,” and Marianne adds, “I love being creative to help authors turn what would otherwise be a boring new book segment into a memorable TV interview or demo that promotes their book in a subtle way.” Building a professional and respectful relationship with producers can lead to long-term opportunities and positive referrals within the industry.
  5. Overlooking Podcasts.Authors should not just focus on local TV Talk Shows to promote their book, but podcasts are often overlooked as a great opportunity to reach deep into a target audience. Many podcasts have very dedicated listeners, especially in the entrepreneur niche, and they can reach a target audience with laser focus. They don’t have to have a huge audience to make an impact especially since so many use cross platforms like YouTube, Rumble, and more to broadcast their episodes.

By avoiding these five blunders and approaching producers with a thoughtful, audience-centered pitch, it’ll be a win-win for everyone involved and the success rate of securing interviews will dramatically increase.

Marianne Schwab has worked as a talk show producer in New York and Los Angeles and is currently the Executive Producer of CMP Media Cafe. She works with professionals, high level entrepreneurs, and book authors to help them fast track their success in becoming a recognized expert in the media. Through personalized media coaching and guidance, she helps clients navigate the intricate world of media appearances. She shares broadcast public relations tips on Instagram and has created an online training that shares her insider secrets to promoting a business on TV talk shows with details for the types of experts producers love to book as guests.

Accelerate Your Profits at The Biloxi Mastermind Event for Entrepreneurs and Business Owners hosted by Cody Neer and Amanda Dake

Biloxi, Mississippi – August 22, 2023 – Prepare to revolutionize your business approach and ignite your profit potential at The Biloxi Mastermind, the exclusive event designed to equip entrepreneurs and business owners with the tools, tactics, and connections they need to succeed. Hosted by industry leaders Cody Neer and Amanda Dake with special sessions led by advertising expert Laurel Portie and copywriterJeff Walsh, this immersive experience is set to take place on September 15-16, 2023, in the vibrant city of Biloxi, Mississippi.

About The Biloxi Mastermind: Located on the Gulf of Mexico on the Mississippi shoreline, at the Golden Nugget Biloxi, a luxurious resort and casino. While Biloxi offers plenty of gambling opportunities – at The Biloxi Mastermind, we don’t gamble with business, we create strategic relationships and learn in depth tactics that create freedom in every industry.The Biloxi Mastermind is all about placing strategic bets on business success, building meaningful relationships, and unlocking tactics that foster freedom across industries.

Event Highlights: The Biloxi Mastermind promises an array of high-impact learning opportunities and networking experiences, including:

Diverse Expertise: Hosted by an exceptional lineup of industry experts, including Cody Neer of Ecommerce Brand Academy, Amanda Dake of Funnel Kitchen and AmandaDake.com, they will be sharing their insights on cutting-edge strategies, market trends, and leadership techniques. Attendees will gain valuable perspectives from a diverse range of sectors, ensuring a comprehensive learning experience.Profit-Boosting Tactics: Attendees will gain insights into revenue-generating strategies that can propel businesses forward. With a focus on simple yet powerful methods, participants will discover new ways to maximize their earning potential.

Key Takeaways: By the event’s conclusion, attendees will have the expertise to effectively source products for their eCommerce ventures, master the art of crafting online offers, implement game-changing business systems, optimize traffic methods, and achieve a balanced mindset that fuels personal and professional growth.

Exclusive Networking: The Biloxi Mastermind will bring together a limited group of just 30 attendees, ensuring a high-quality environment for connecting with like-minded business owners who are on their path to freedom and success.

Registration and Details: With only 30 spots available, the opportunity to attend The Biloxi Mastermind is limited. Registration is now open. For more information and to secure your spot, visit the official event website at https://biloximastermind.com.

“The Biloxi Mastermind exceeded my expectations in every way. The insights I gained and connections I made have been instrumental in transforming my business approach. This event is an absolute game-changer!” – James Newkirk, e-commerce store owner and previous mastermind attendee.

About the Organizers: The Biloxi Mastermind is orchestrated by a team of accomplished entrepreneurs and experts who share a passion for empowering others with the knowledge and connections needed to thrive in the competitive business landscape.

For media inquiries, sponsorship opportunities, or further information, please contact:

Amanda Dake



Prepare to elevate your business to new heights at The Biloxi Mastermind. Limited spots available – secure your seat today.

Adult Real ID Reveals Four Vital Campus Safety Tips for Students Heading to College This Fall

As students prepare to head off to college it can be exciting and stressful for both parents and kids. There are a lot of things to consider from dorm assignments to navigating the campus. In fact, one of the biggest concerns parents have as their child heads off to college revolve around safety since college comes with a new-found freedom for students who are meeting new friends and classmates. However, there is an unfortunate dangerous side with this new collegiate community since not everyone is who they say they are and it’s often discovered too late.

Thomas Kopec, a Co-Founder for the smartphone app, Adult Real ID, understands the danger all too well, “My son’s friend, Taylor Behl, was just seventeen when she was starting a new life as a freshman at Virginia Commonwealth University and disappeared two weeks later. Taylor had met a 38-year-old photographer named Ben Fawley when she was visiting the campus and had no idea he had nefarious intentions. One night, she left her dormitory room at VCU, got into her car with Fawley, and she was never seen alive again. Her body was discovered over 75 miles away from campus one month later. This is just one reason why safety for students is personal for me and why I wanted to create an app like Adult Real ID.”

Kopec’s business partner is a former FBI agent, Jay Kanetkar, and the smartphone app is designed to keep users safe when meeting online connections and strangers. He says, “As an FBI agent, I saw first-hand the risk that online predators pose to both children and adults. That’s why I knew I had to do something to address the threat.”

Kopec and Kanetkar have some vital campus safety tips for students heading to college this fall.

1. Get to know neighbors in the dorm or in off-campus housing. Living alone or away from home for the first time can be overwhelming and becoming friendly with neighbors can create a sense of community and support while looking out for each other.

2. Share class schedules with roommates and parents. Students are encouraged to disclose their class timetables to roommates and parents so that they are able to detect anomalies or discrepancies, should they arise.

3. Stay aware of surroundings and avoid walking alone at night. Students should remain mindful of their environments, especially when they find themselves alone. It is crucial to avoid distractions including being absorbed in texting or talking on the phone when walking to and from the car, class, or coffee shop. Criminals often target people who appear distracted or confused. Also, whenever possible, travel with a friend or a group, especially after dark.

4. Communicate whereabouts to roommates and family. Students are advised to inform their roommates or trusted acquaintances of their intended destinations and anticipated return times—whether they are heading to the library, class, gym, or to meet up with dates or friends. By doing so, these acquaintances can remain aware of their schedules and respond if returns are delayed or if they need to check on their well-being.

“One of the advantages of Adult Real ID is that it allows users to add an event that includes who they are meeting and facilitates the incorporation of verified acquaintances who have successfully undergone a verification process,” according to Kanetkar. “Events can be monitored and tracked until the successful return from the event through the app’s Meeting Tracker. The goal of this feature is to prevent abductions or possible violence.” This approach fosters secure interactions by connecting with other validated users, thereby mitigating the risk of counterfeit profiles and deceptive relationships.

A number of college campuses have already added the app as a new layer of security for their students according to Kopec, “Several universities including Princeton, Texas A & M, and Rutgers have seen the value of Adult Real ID and have secured app subscriptions for every student returning to college this school year to help them stay safe on and off campus.”

Everyone concerned about safety when meeting strangers masquerading as ‘friends’ on the Internet or even in real life meetings needs a powerful tool that ensures their well-being. Adult Real ID sets a new standard for responsible online connections and users can get a subscription for as low as $3.00 per month. The app goes beyond identity verification by prioritizing user safety during face-to-face meetings, secure meeting arrangements, emergency assistance features, and fostering a safer digital landscape for everyone.

Introducing Legalese Decoder’s Groundbreaking “Contract Analyzer For Risk, Fairness and Anomaly” for Professional and Business Plan Users

Vancouver, Canada – Legalese Decoder, a leading innovator in legal technology solutions, is thrilled to announce the launch of its revolutionary “Contract Analyzer For Risk, Fairness and Anomaly” feature, exclusively available to users of its Professional and Business plans. This cutting-edge tool represents a significant advancement in contract analysis, empowering legal professionals and businesses to navigate complex agreements with unparalleled precision and insight.

The “Contract Analyzer For Risk, Fairness and Anomaly” is a game-changing addition to Legalese Decoder’s suite of intelligent contract analysis tools. Built on state-of-the-art artificial intelligence and natural language processing technologies, this feature goes beyond conventional contract review processes by offering an in-depth assessment of potential risks, fairness issues, and anomalies present within legal documents.

Key highlights of the “Contract Analyzer For Risk, Fairness and Anomaly” include:

Risk Assessment: The advanced AI algorithm meticulously scans each contract, identifying and evaluating potential risks that might impact parties involved. By highlighting these risks, users can make informed decisions and take proactive steps to mitigate potential legal challenges.

Fairness Evaluation: The fairness analysis component assesses contractual clauses to ensure equity and fairness among parties. Legalese Decoder’s proprietary technology detects any clauses that might disproportionately favor one party, promoting transparency and balance in contractual relationships.

Anomaly Detection: Uncover hidden irregularities and deviations from standard practices within contracts through the anomaly detection feature. This helps users identify potential errors or non-compliance issues that could have otherwise gone unnoticed.

“Our commitment to innovation and addressing the evolving needs of legal professionals and businesses has led us to develop the ‘Contract Analyzer For Risk, Fairness and Anomaly’,” said William Tsui, founder at Legalese Decoder. “We understand the challenges that come with contract analysis, and this new feature is designed to empower our users with a comprehensive understanding of their agreements, enabling them to make strategic decisions with confidence.”

The “Contract Analyzer For Risk, Fairness and Anomaly” is exclusively available to users subscribed to Legalese Decoder’s Professional and Business plans, reflecting the company’s dedication to providing exceptional value to its valued customers. This tool further solidifies Legalese Decoder’s position as a leader in the legal technology landscape, delivering transformative solutions that drive efficiency, accuracy, and success.

For more information about Legalese Decoder and its groundbreaking “Contract Analyzer For Risk, Fairness and Anomaly,” please visit https://legalesedecoder.com/.

About Legalese Decoder:

Legalese Decoder is a trailblazing provider of AI-powered legal technology solutions that streamline contract analysis processes for legal professionals and businesses. Leveraging cutting-edge artificial intelligence and natural language processing capabilities, Legalese Decoder empowers users to extract actionable insights, mitigate risks, and optimize contract management strategies.

Marianne Schwab, Former TV Talk Show Producer, Unveils Blueprint on How Entrepreneurs Can Stop Being the Best Kept Secret in Their Industry Using Public Relations

In the ever-evolving landscape of business and entrepreneurship, standing out from the crowd is crucial for achieving success and credibility. Unfortunately, many professionals often find themselves struggling with being the best-kept secret in their industry and do not understand how to overcome it. One solution is harnessing the power of a public relations strategy that can be a game-changer for high-level entrepreneurs, book authors, and professionals when media visibility shines a light on their exceptional talents.

Marianne Schwab, a former national network TV talk show producer understands this dilemma all too well. According to Marianne, “The problem with being the best-kept secret lies in the missed opportunities and untapped potential that could transform their careers and businesses if only the world knew about them. Despite holding invaluable solutions to pressing problems, they essentially remain hidden from potential clients, depriving the world of their much-needed expertise.” She has a five-point blueprint to break free from obscurity using the power of public relations.

1. Build a Robust Online Presence. In the digital age, having a robust online presence is non-negotiable for anyone seeking media exposure. From social media platforms to professional websites, experts must establish a consistent and compelling digital footprint. Sharing valuable industry insights and trends can showcase expertise and draw the attention of producers seeking knowledgeable guests.

2. Craft an Irresistible Story That Connects. Media producers are on the hunt for stories that captivate their audiences, and by presenting an authentic narrative, experts can establish an emotional connection with viewers. The first step to shedding the “best-kept secret” status is to craft an irresistible and compelling story. Marianne suggests, “It’s important that you focus on personal anecdotes and real-life examples that illustrate your journey and make the story memorable. These should be relevant and relatable stories that evoke emotions and can resonate deeply with audiences, fostering a genuine connection that goes beyond mere self-promotion. Knowing how to share your story in a way that captivates viewers and makes an imprint in their lives and is an invaluable tool that can help you break free from obscurity.”

3. Write Media Alerts that Grab Attention. Journalists and producers rarely come knocking on someone’s door for an interview and a one-size-fits-all approach does not work in the world of getting the attention of media decision makers. Crafting a winning pitch requires research to study the outlet’s previous interviews and audience demographics to tailor the pitch accordingly. Marianne Schwab recommends that, “This starts with crafting your expertise into a media hook or headline that sounds more like a tease for an upcoming TV segment than it does a boring press release headline. Once you have the hook, the one page media alert should align with that and give more details about your story without giving everything away. For example, if you’re an fashion stylist, your hook could be something like the three biggest mistakes women make when buying a bathing suit. You can list the mistakes, but the solutions are for when you get the media producer engaged. You might also share one visual example of the wrong bathing suit and pair that with the a photo of a dramatically more flattering option.”

4. Forge Relationships with Media Outlets. Building relationships is the lifeblood of public relations. The path to being discovered requires active outreach to media outlets and journalists. Marianne says, “Experts should start with local media since they’ll be more open to featuring a local business or expert and this is an excellent way to start getting visibility in your city. If you’ve never done a public relations outreach before, it can be a daunting task and you may chose to hire a publicist or agency to get started but be careful. Not all agencies will get you results so chose wisely. It breaks my heart when clients come to me after they’ve been burned and wasted budget that didn’t yield media exposure.”

5. Leverage Media Exposure. Credibility is the cornerstone of media success and leveraging features on reputable talk shows and in media outlets can bolster an expert’s reputation that instill trust in their brand or business. High-level entrepreneurs, book authors, and professionals should display media logos of where they’ve been featured on their website and social media platforms and also include videos of their past on-camera interviews. Marianne notes that, “Cultivating social proof through media appearances creates a snowball effect. As more interviews are secured, media outlets take notice, further amplifying an expert’s visibility and stature. Media coverage serves as a testament to your authority as an expert that will attract more opportunities, and even potential clients.”

By using this five-point blueprint, professionals and high level entrepreneurs can not only leave the shadows behind and break free from obscurity, but gain credibility that overpowers their competition.

Marianne Schwab has worked as a talk show producer in New York and Los Angeles and is currently the Executive Producer of CMP Media Cafe. She possesses a deep understanding of what the media looks for in expert interviews and works with professionals, high level entrepreneurs, and book authors to help them fast track their success. Through personalized media coaching and guidance, she helps clients refine their message, enhance their on-camera presence, and navigate the intricate world of media appearances. She shares broadcast public relations tips on Instagram and has created an online training that shares her insider secrets to promoting a business on TV talk shows with details for the types of experts producers love to book as guests.

Reputn Revolutionizes Digital Reputation Management with Groundbreaking Negative Link Removal Service

July 17, 2023 — A strong, positive online reputation is invaluable in today’s digital era. It is often the cornerstone of personal and professional success. Recognizing this, Reputn has announced the launch of its groundbreaking Negative Link Removal service, transforming the landscape of online reputation management.

As a pioneering leader in online reputation services, Reputn has consistently offered innovative solutions to manage and enhance online profiles. With the Negative Link Removal service, it takes this commitment to the next level, offering clients an effective way to eradicate damaging links that tarnish their online reputation.

In a radical shift from traditional models, Reputn’s Negative Link Removal service is designed around a unique “Pay after Removal” system. Clients are only required to pay once the detrimental links have been successfully removed from the web. This pioneering approach not only demonstrates Reputn’s confidence in delivering successful results but also provides peace of mind for clients, knowing they only pay for effective solutions.

“We believe in empowering our clients by restoring control over their online image,” says Jane Hudis from Reputn. “Our Negative Link Removal service ensures that individuals and businesses can present a clean, positive digital footprint to the world. We don’t consider our job done until the damaging links are eliminated.”

Reputn’s Negative Link Removal service is set to redefine online reputation management by offering a highly effective, results-driven solution. Its commitment to achieving positive outcomes before receiving payment underscores the company’s dedication to its clients and to innovation in the field.

About Reputn
Reputn is a leader in the field of online reputation management. With a focus on innovation and results, it offers a range of services designed to enhance and protect the online profiles of both individuals and businesses.

Adult Real ID Could Be The Solution to Three Dangerous Mistakes Made When Meeting Online Connections in Person

In today’s digital age, meeting new people online has become an everyday experience that can be a way to make new friends, business associates, and network with people who have similar interests. However, there is an unfortunate dangerous side when people trust strangers they’ve met in the virtual world since not everyone is who they say they are. 

The issue goes beyond social media as the film, Sound of Freedom, brings to light. In the movie, a talent scout convinces a father that his two children could have a career in modeling and invites them to an audition that appears legitimate with a printed brochure and auditions held in a corporate business setting. However, the story turns dark when the father of the children returns to find an empty room and his two kids missing. 

This sounds just like a movie plot except Sound of Freedom is based on the true story about a former DHS operative, Tim Ballard, portrayed by actor Jim Caveziel, who has made it his life mission to rescue kidnapped children sold into a nightmare no parent wants for their children.

Just like in the movie, social media users also fall victim to imposters who have created false profiles for fraudulent or deceptive purposes. Thomas Kopec and Jay Kanetkar are the Co-Founders of a revolutionary phone application, Adult Real ID, designed to keep users safe when meeting online connections. 

Katetkar says, “As an FBI agent, I saw first-hand the risk that online predators pose to both children and adults. That’s why I knew I had to do something to address the threat, especially when meeting strangers face-to-face.” In fact, Kopec and Kanetkar warn that there are three dangerous mistakes people make when meeting online connections in person.

Mistake #1 – Not verifying that an online profile is a real person before meeting them. This is a concern for adults and students who may be trusting of the person especially if they’ve developed an online relationship by exchanging private messages and texts. Verifying doesn’t simply mean that the person looks like their profile photo since they can create fake profiles with their photo (or someone else’s) and facilitate deception for the purpose of exploitation.

Kanetkar says, “One of the key features of Adult Real ID requires users to verify their identity to meet with other verified users to reduce the risk of fake profiles or catfish relationships. This significantly serves as a formidable deterrent for individuals with malicious intent.”

Mistake #2 – Not meeting an online connection in a safe and public location. It’s not just enough to meet online connections in a public location, but there are other factors to keep in person meetings protected. Kopec recommends, “It’s important to share your meeting details, including the date, time, and location, with trusted family, friends, and contacts, and we made that easy to do with the app. We knew it was essential to go beyond identity verification and we have prioritized user safety during face-to-face meetings because it serves as an added layer of protection, ensuring that friends or family members are aware of the meeting arrangements and can intervene if necessary, thus preventing potential abduction attempts.”

Mistake #3 – Not having an emergency plan if caught in a dangerous situation. It’s vital to have a predetermined action plan on how to respond to critical situations that may arise during in-person meetings. According to Kopec, The app is designed so that you use a meeting tracker to confirm the meeting has come to a safe conclusion. That means that the meeting must be closed out with a prerequisite chosen image. Users also select a pre-chosen duress image, alerting Adult Real ID‘s safety team to alert authorities if they’re in danger.” 

Everyone concerned about safety when meeting strangers masquerading as ‘friends’ on the Internet needs a powerful tool that ensures their well-being. Adult Real ID sets a new standard for responsible online connections and users can get a subscription for as low as $3.00 per month. The app goes beyond identity verification by prioritizing user safety during face-to-face meetings, secure meeting arrangements, emergency assistance features, and fostering a safer digital landscape for everyone.

Release Media: Empowering Digital Agencies and Internet Professionals

Ohio – July 04, 2023 – Release Media, a prominent name in the press release distribution industry, continues to solidify its position as a leading global wholesale press release distributor. With their comprehensive turnkey solutions, Release Media is dedicated to supporting and empowering digital agencies and internet professionals in effectively sharing their news and announcements.

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, businesses and professionals rely on strategic communication to gain visibility, attract customers, and build brand reputation. Recognizing this need, Release Media has developed a range of tailored solutions that address the unique requirements of digital agencies and internet professionals across the globe.

At the heart of Release Media’s success lies their commitment to providing comprehensive turnkey solutions. Through their advanced platform, digital agencies and internet professionals gain access to a wide range of tools and resources designed to optimize their press release distribution strategies. From content creation and customization to targeted distribution and analytics, Release Media offers a one-stop solution for all their communication needs.

Release Media is dedicated to empowering digital agencies and internet professionals by offering comprehensive press release solutions,” said Lisa Rasor, Chief Operating Officer of Release Media. “We understand the importance of effective communication in today’s digital age, and our goal is to provide our clients with the tools and support they need to reach their target audience and achieve their business objectives.”

Release Media’s platform is built with advanced technology and features that enable digital agencies and internet professionals to streamline their press release distribution process. With a user-friendly interface and intuitive functionalities, users can easily upload press releases, target specific audiences, and track the performance of their campaigns in real-time. This data-driven approach allows for informed decision-making and continuous optimization to achieve the desired results.

In addition to their advanced technology, Release Media takes pride in their personalized approach to customer support. Their team of dedicated professionals works closely with clients to understand their unique goals and requirements. They provide guidance and expertise throughout the press release distribution process, ensuring that every campaign is tailored to maximize impact and reach the right audience.

Release Media’s global wholesale distribution network plays a pivotal role in connecting digital agencies and internet professionals with a vast array of media outlets, journalists, and influencers worldwide. This extensive network ensures that press releases reach the right channels and generate widespread coverage, enhancing brand visibility and reputation.

Whether it’s announcing product launches, showcasing industry expertise, or promoting thought leadership content, Release Media is committed to helping digital agencies and internet professionals effectively share their stories and make a lasting impact in the digital realm.

For more information about Release Media and their comprehensive turnkey press release solutions, please visit https://release.media/pr/

About Release Media:

Release Media is a leading global wholesale press release distributor, providing comprehensive turnkey solutions tailored for digital agencies and internet professionals. With their advanced platform, extensive distribution network, and personalized support, Release Media empowers businesses to effectively share their news and announcements on a global scale.

Five Biggest Myths About TV Talk Show Interviews Debunked by Marianne Schwab, Former Network Talk Show Producer

TV talk shows have long been a sought-after platform for entrepreneurs to showcase their expertise, gain exposure, and connect with a broader audience. However, misconceptions about the nature of these shows can lead to unrealistic expectations and missed public relations opportunities. Understanding the realities behind certain myths can help entrepreneurs navigate the talk show landscape more effectively and harness the true potential of this influential broadcast media to promote their business, brand, or book.

According to Marianne Schwab, a former national TV Talk Show Producer, there are five myths about TV talk shows and she debunks them so entrepreneurs can better understand the truth behind these mistaken beliefs as they pursue getting talk show interviews.

Myth #1: No one watches TV (or talk shows) anymore. In today’s digital age, it’s easy to assume that TV talk shows have lost their relevance, given the declining viewership of traditional television. However, this assumption couldn’t be further from the truth. According to Marianne, “I’ve actually had people ask me if people even watch TV anymore and it’s true that fewer people may tune in to watch talk shows on a conventional TV screen, but their popularity has simply adapted to the digital landscape. People now consume talk show content on iPhones, iPads, Smart devices, laptops, and other gadgets, transforming the viewing experience into a more personalized and on-the-go affair.”

In fact, “Nearly half of all adults now watch video (including talk show segments) via a connected TV device daily, a significant increase from 29 per cent five years ago, and 6 per cent a decade ago,” said Bruce Leichtman, president and principal analyst for Leichtman Research Group. “While Smart TVs are a key component of the connected TV category, the vast majority of connected TV users stream via multiple types of devices.”

Myth #2: TV Talk Shows are different in 2023 than they were when they started in the 1950’s. Many entrepreneurs may believe that TV talk shows have undergone significant changes in their format over the years, especially with the advent of new media platforms and digital content, however, the reality is that the basic format and structure of TV talk show segments and interviews have remained relatively consistent. They typically begin with a host introduction of a guest, followed by a Q&A session, and often conclude with a call to action, such as promoting a book, product, or upcoming movie or music project.

Myth #3: Marketing and public relations are the same thing. Entrepreneurs often make the mistake of assuming that marketing and public relations serve the same purpose, especially when it comes to talk show appearances. However, it’s crucial to understand the fundamental differences between these two to ensure that interviews don’t turn into overtly promotional infomercials. “Advertising is saying you’re good. As long as it’s truthful, you can say anything you want, however, public relations is getting someone else to say you’re good and that’s where you can really build trust with your potential clients and customers,” Marianne shares. “By recognizing the distinction between marketing and public relations, entrepreneurs can leverage their talk show appearances to cultivate meaningful connections and authority with the audience. No amount of advertising can give you the credibility that being featured in the media or on a talk show can. There is something magical about this phenomenon.”

Myth #4: PR agencies get clients featured on TV and publicity is free. Entrepreneurs often hold the misconception that hiring a PR agency guarantees them talk show interviews and that publicity comes without any cost. “PR agencies play a crucial role in managing a company’s overall public image and media relations, but they are not necessarily specialists in securing talk show interviews. That requires a more specialized approach and that’s why agencies have hired my company for over 25 years to get their clients broadcast public relations results with interviews on radio and TV,” Marianne says. “Also, it’s crucial to recognize that PR is not free. Whether you hire a publicist or handle the publicity efforts yourself, there are costs involved. What really breaks my heart is when I see entrepreneurs invest $15K to $30K in a PR agency and they don’t even get one talk show interview when I know that I get my clients multiple guaranteed talk show interviews to build their brand and credibility.”

Myth #5: The first interview will be on a national talk show. One of the most common misconceptions among entrepreneurs is the belief that their first talk show interview will be on a nationally syndicated or network program. National talk shows typically feature high-profile guests, celebrities, or industry experts with established reputations or significant accomplishments. Marianne says, “While it’s not impossible for entrepreneurs to secure a national talk show appearance early on, it’s quite rare and important to recognize that the path to national exposure often begins at the local level. Local TV talk shows provide an excellent platform for entrepreneurs to gain valuable experience, refine their messaging, and build credibility within their community. These shows often focus on highlighting local talent, businesses, and unique stories, making them more accessible for entrepreneurs who are just starting out.”

In conclusion, debunking these five biggest TV talk show myths is crucial for entrepreneurs seeking to leverage this powerful platform so they can approach talk show appearances with realistic expectations and maximize their opportunities for success.

Marianne Schwab has worked as a producer in New York and Los Angeles and is currently the Executive Producer of CMP Media Cafe. She is dedicated to helping experts, book authors, and high level entrepreneurs land TV Talk Show interviews in today’s complicated media environment so they can promote their business, product, or brand in a way that makes anyone who sees their interview fall in love with them, their message, and their mission. She shares public relations tips on Instagram and has created an online training that shares her insider secrets to promoting a business on TV talk shows with details for the types of experts producers love to book as guests.


Fortuna BMC, recently honored as the Greater Fayetteville Chamber’s New Business of the Year, stands as a distinguished global consultancy renowned for its exceptional ability to provide tailor-made and innovative solutions to a wide array of business obstacles. However, what truly distinguishes them is their unwavering commitment to hiring veterans, ensuring the provision of efficient and effective services that not only benefit their clients and the community at large but also cater to the needs of disabled veterans. Their resolute mantra of “getting things done” aligns seamlessly with the relentless pursuit of success on and off the field exemplified by the Fayetteville Mustangs. As a veteran-owned enterprise, Fortuna BMC remains dedicated to bringing meaningful employment opportunities to transitioning veterans within the Fayetteville community. Moreover, as part of their initiative to revitalize downtown Hay Street, they are currently finalizing a contract for a substantial 10,000 square feet of office space, solidifying their local focus and deep sense of honor in being an integral part of the Fayetteville community.

With the partnership now in motion, the Fayetteville Mustangs and Fortuna BMC are poised to take on fresh challenges, achieve unprecedented milestones, and provide an elevated level of excellence to their clients and stakeholders. The shared vision and values of the two organizations will undoubtedly lead to unparalleled synergy, resulting in transformative outcomes and unforgettable experiences.

The Fayetteville Mustangs express their deep pride in aligning themselves with Fortuna BMC, a company that shares their unwavering commitment to success, innovation, and supporting veterans. Leveraging Fortuna BMC’s expertise and unwavering dedication, the Mustangs aim to strengthen their growth trajectory and reinforce their position as a formidable force within the sports industry.

The partnership is marked by a sense of celebration and excitement as the Fayetteville Mustangs and Fortuna BMC embark on a collective journey filled with endless possibilities. Together, they intend to redefine excellence, ignite passion within their fanbase, and make a profound impact in their community.

As the partnership takes shape, stakeholders and fans alike eagerly anticipate the incredible transformations and achievements that lie ahead for the Fayetteville Mustangs and Fortuna BMC. This groundbreaking alliance promises to inspire greatness, instill innovation, and create a legacy that will be remembered for years to come.

Follow the Fayetteville Mustangs and Fortuna BMC on their journey as they work hand in hand to achieve greatness, empower veterans, and leave an indelible mark on the sports and business industries.

Initiative to Rename Westarea Elementary to James A. Raye Elementary

Fayetteville NC – Prominent leaders in Cumberland County N.C. have formed a committee seeking to rename Westarea Elementary School, an established educational institution in Fayetteville, North Carolina, as part of a new initiative to honor NFL legend James A. Raye Jr. The proposed name change to James A. Raye Elementary aims to pay tribute to the remarkable achievements and contributions of this esteemed athlete, coach, and community leader.

James A. Raye Jr. is an American football coach and former player who has left an indelible mark on the world of football. From his humble beginnings at the segregated E.E. Smith High School in Fayetteville, North Carolina, to his illustrious college career as a quarterback for the Michigan State Spartans, Raye’s journey has been nothing short of extraordinary.

Raye’s college career included notable highlights, such as serving as the backup quarterback for the 1966 Spartans team that played in the Rose Bowl and starting in the legendary 10-10 tie game against Notre Dame, often referred to as “The Game of the Century.” As the South’s first black quarterback to win a national title, Raye played a pivotal role in breaking down racial barriers in college football.

Following his playing career, Raye transitioned to coaching, leaving an indelible mark on the NFL. With a coaching career spanning 36 years and 10 different teams, Raye excelled as an offensive coordinator and was widely regarded for his adaptability and leadership skills. His contributions to the San Francisco 49ers during the 2009 season, where he adeptly adjusted the offense despite key player injuries, earned him high praise from peers and experts.

The initiative to rename Westarea Elementary as James A. Raye Elementary aims to honor Raye’s exceptional legacy and inspire future generations. By bestowing his name upon the school, Cumberland County seeks to celebrate Raye’s achievements both on and off the field and to provide a lasting testament to his commitment to community service.

“We are thrilled to embark on this initiative to rename Westarea Elementary as James A. Raye Elementary,” said Roy McNeill, spokesperson for the initiative. “James A. Raye Jr. is not only a renowned NFL figure but also an exceptional role model, mentor, and community leader. We believe that by renaming the school in his honor, we will inspire students to strive for greatness and to make a positive impact in their communities.”

The initiative is currently seeking support from the Board of Education and influencers in Cumberland County. Furthermore, individuals are encouraged to sign the petition in favor of the name change, showing their solidarity with this significant undertaking.

For more information about the initiative and to support the petition, please visit https://chng.it/nZ8Nj5zXK6

About James A. Raye Jr:

James A. Raye Jr. is a celebrated American football coach, former player, and senior adviser to NFL vice-president Troy Vincent. With a remarkable college career as a quarterback for the Michigan State Spartans and a coaching career spanning 36 years in the NFL, Raye has left an indelible mark on the world of football. He is also known for his dedication to community service and mentorship.

Tammy Donnell, Founder of BRND Agency, Reveals Three Branding Mistakes That Can Kill a Business Before It Even Gets Started

A brand is considered to be one of a company’s most valuable assets and helps people instantly identify a company, product, or service. In addition, great branding helps ensure brand consistency so that a business is presented in a cohesive manner across all marketing channels and platforms. The primary goal of branding is to build trust, and credibility with customers and clients, which leads to brand loyalty.

Tammy Donnell, the founder of BRND Agency, says, “When business branding is accomplished correctly, it will differentiate a company from the competition and elevate their reputation. I’ve learned from creating branding strategies for six and seven-figure businesses that once customers and clients fall in love and connect emotionally with a business, they are most likely to become loyal customers and clients for life. When a company can connect emotionally with its customers, a trusted relationship is formed that can stand the test of time.” According to Donnell, there are three branding mistakes that can be the death of a business.

Mistake #1 – Failure to communicate the business’s origin story. Every business has an origin story that is the foundation of the business. All businesses start as a solution to a problem, an idea, a vision, or a new discovery. “Consider the origin story as a warm handshake, the kind of genuine handshake where the other person uses both hands, which creates a deep emotional connection with a person that becomes a friend for life,” Donnell advises, “People connect through stories and since people buy from people, the origin story connects the business emotionally to its customers or clients and once they connect emotionally with a business, a loyal, trusting, long-term relationship is created.”

Mistake #2 – Failure to connect with authenticity. Most businesses start with a set of values, a mission, and a message and if this is not communicated in the proper tone and with a unique selling proposition, the business will fail to connect with their ideal audience. According to Tammy Donnell, “So many businesses fail to share these authentic emotional connection points with customers and clients and these touch points are an important bridge that connects and creates community. In the same way, a strong brand connects and creates a community of buyers that have trust and loyalty to the brand for the long haul.”

Mistake #3 – Failure to create a seamless brand consistency across all marketing channels and platforms. A well-crafted brand requires consistency in messaging and visuals across all social platforms and, according to Donnell, is like a well-tuned orchestra that creates beautiful music. She says, “Just as an orchestra requires each instrument to be played harmoniously, this consistent brand identity ensures that customers and clients not only recognize and identify a brand instantly, but that they are happy to share it with their friends and family.”

Finally, Donnell aims to make branding easy for clients, “Branding often seems overly complicated, like a jigsaw puzzle with no instructions and missing pieces, and it can be overwhelming for most business owners and entrepreneurs. Just like a puzzle requires strategic thinking and problem-solving, a well-crafted brand requires a strategic approach and step-by-step implementation. That’s why I founded BRND Agency as a one stop shop for our clients,” Tammy Donnell shares, “BRND Agency offers websites, funnels, social media, logos, graphic design, branding guidelines, messaging, PR & media, and photography, all under one roof so we can streamline putting the puzzle pieces together at one company, not eight.”

Tammy Donnell helps businesses of all sizes build their brand across every digital medium to perfect branding and expand their digital footprint with consistency and clarity in a way that seamlessly works together as a cohesive brand that people remember, buy from, and share with their friends. She works with clients based in the U.S. and worldwide to develop branding strategies that get results and you can connect with her at BRNDAgency.com.